The Campaign

America's national monuments—from the stunning red cliffs of Colorado National Monument to the Statue of Liberty—have become part of the fabric of our country's identity. But today, some in Congress want to undermine our national monuments law. Their shortsighted politics threaten our nation's natural and cultural heritage.

One of the most pivotal pieces of conservation legislation ever passed, the Antiquities Act, allows the president to preserve sites and landscapes that honor America's timeless history. The law has been used 231 times, by Republican and Democratic presidents alike. Some of our most well-known and well-loved national parks—like Arches, the Grand Canyon, and Acadia—were first protected as national monuments under the Antiquities Act.

Attacks on the Antiquities Act are out-of-step with American values. Raise your voice. 

Who We Are

The Center for Western Priorities is a nonpartisan conservation and advocacy organization that serves as a source of accurate information, promotes responsible policies and practices, and ensures accountability at all levels to protect land, water, and communities in the American West.